Local Pre-school Music Sessions
*Please note that sessions are cancelled until further notice due to COVID-19 – check out the online pre-school music sessions instead!
Musitots Gateshead
Salvation Army, Tennyson Court, Sunderland Rd, Gateshead NE8 3EY
Starting Tuesdays during term time from 16th September 2019.
Tuesday mornings: 9:45am.
Booking is essential – either on a pay as you go basis, or you can book for as many weeks ahead as you’d like! Please see: www.bookwhen.com/musitots
Musitots Lanchester
All Saints Catholic Church Hall
Mondays during term time from 16th September 2019.
Monday mornings: 9:45am and 10:45 am.
Booking is essential – either on a pay as you go basis, or you can book for as many weeks ahead as you’d like! Please see: www.bookwhen.com/musitots